Procrastination. Indeed a very strong word which is actually looked down. Many thinks and feel that procrastination is something very normal which every human have in their nature and it's okay to have it in our life. Sadly, no one knows that this simple word which continue to move on in our life, it'll definitely cause a big problem in our life. Well, this is one of the main problem in me myself or even for every friend of mine. What is it ?? It's just a simple "later la" which would cause it to happen. No doubt many aims had been set and although it's right in front of you. Most people wouldn't do anything and will say "I'll do it later". Does it includes into myself ?? When I promised myself that i would be studying and no more last minute things should be done ?? Ironically, things that I've vowed and promised myself happens to the opposite side.
I wanna do a lot of things but whats actually holding me back ?? Is it the fear of doing wrong ?? Tiredness from overloadings of activities ?? Or it's just a plain word which everyone knows. LAZY . Well, I really do not know about it. Perhaps it's something which would be shown sooner or later but till then I'll continue to seek it. School had started for around 5 days and gosh, time passes really slow as I'm already waiting for the chinese new year holidays where I can finally get some rest. Overloading homeworks, holiday assigments, and even tuition can kill 9/10 of my energy everyday. Even with the computer in front of me, I dont have the energy to endure forward. Thats one of the reason I update this blog quite irregularly nowadays. But well, as posted in my new year's resolution. I'll continue updating it more..
Continue to pray for my life so that it'll go on smoothly as this year, I'll be really facing a lot of challenges and obstacle. Sadly speaking, I hate those but without those, improvements can never happen yea. Guess I'll have to strive forward from now one. Well, guess that's it then. I'm offt to bed now. Good nitez :D
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