
Its raining now
Very heavily and here am I
Sitting down in the living hall
With my laptop on again

Sometimes I'd really hope that miracles happens
And I really hope that I can eventually wish for a time machine
At least, I can go back to the past and correct the things I want to correct
I knew where I was wrong and what did I do wrong
Yet, I'm stuck here, can't do anything at all
I just need a chance for a change now
Why is it so hard at this stage?

We've persevered so much up till this stage
Why are you giving up on it at this moment of time?
All I want is a chance to change for the betterment for us
Yet, all I get is cruelty and harshness directly stabbed into my heart
My heart crumbles in pain and my mind is blank
Knowing not what to do anymore
Yet I can blame no one
Nobody but me

It's exactly one year when the new semester starts
I just hope that things can return to what it is before I became a jerk
Hope, is what put me through these days of pain and suffering
Hopefully, it won't be the one that starts another series of it
Sorry, perhaps I'm just to stubborn to face the situation
But I really want another try, one last try
I really hope its possible
I really do

-Signing off-
Posted on 5:31 AM by Jefferychan and filed under | 0 Comments »