I wished I could've did more

I used to be a terribly pessimistic and emotional person. As I read back old post from my blog, I tend remember how I felt in the past when things were going sideways instead of straight. I'd believe that at those point of my life, things were seriously so bad to the point where I actually felt life was meaningless. I still remember the days where I slept almost 20 hours a day, because I simply do not want to wake up to face 'life' or the simple 'reality'. Perhaps to the point where sometimes I just felt like giving up everything; my studies, friends and everything (except life, of course. I'm too kiasi to commit suicide). I've recovered from that about 2 years ago, but the memories just wouldn't go away.

Which is why, at this point of time when I see people who are facing the same trouble as I've faced, I tend to be able to feel what they're feeling. The feeling of wanting to do something, yet understanding that nothing could be done. Knowing that I need to pull myself together, yet day after day the body just gets heavier. Wanting to just quit, but the heart keeps telling me that there's hope.

However, sometimes it's just impossible to lend a helping hand because what I can end up doing is just that much. It kinda saddens me to be in this situation, because knowing how bad the situation is, I really hoped that I could do a little bit more.

Urgh, I guess it's time to sleep. Had a crazy day.
Posted on 1:23 AM by Jeffery Chan and filed under | 0 Comments »