The little things

It was a rainy evening. I was having a nice warm tau fu fah with some herbal eggs while enjoying the cool windy breeze until someone told me something. Something that hit me hard and just made me felt that I should be writing this down for my readers, or perhaps for my future self. What's being told is actually a very simple thing but when in deep thought, it means a lot. What was told was this:-

'It's been so long since we've ever sit down, and talk; about anything but not work' 

Honestly, life had been so busy these days, almost every single minute is spent doing something. Not only myself, but I think most of the people around me are in the same situation. But when I come to think of it, things weren't like this last time. What I had, in the past had somehow slipped off without even anyone knowing about it. 

Gone are the days,
Where I was able to spend time enjoying the nearby lake at night

Gone are the days,
Where I was able to sit down in Mamak,or outside my house doing absolutely nothing

Gone are the days,
Where friends can actually sit down together and have a good chat; not discussion

Perhaps even now,
Gone are the days,
I can sit in front of my PC, and game without any reasons

Even in games, expectations and standards have to be reached. Everything I've been doing these days, have a reason and aim and I find it worthless doing something if there's no reason of doing so. I thought I was right, because only when a person is doing something that gives a reason, it's worthwhile. But somehow, I was wrong; because it is these little things, that may not bear any fruit at the end of the day ends up being something that is of most precious for a person. 

These things make me wonder, why am I working so hard; when what I've been striving for - to live a happy and good life is actually achievable at this point of time? This is just my 10 cents, that I felt that I have to write. 

Everyone tries to hard to live their life as good as they can
They claim that they do not want to waste their life doing worthless things
But at the same time, not realising that what's being done to "live the good life" they want
Is actually not worth doing

It's always the little things that matters most
The short chat with people that means the most to you
The smiles that you exchanged with the people you loved
The quiet moment you spend alone, with yourselves
Even the small argument or "skirmishes" you have with your friends

This are what's worth in my eyes

What about you?
Posted on 6:18 PM by Jeffery Chan and filed under | 0 Comments »