
There was something that struck my mind recently by what my lecturer had said to the class one morning. She was criticising the students for not having proper general knowledge in the field they were supposed to work in the future. Words such as "You are advertising students, but you don't even know popular advertising techniques used by big companies. How are you going to work in the future?" Many people may say "That is why I'm studying this course" but perhaps to me, this isn't the case. Education in University only gives us the basic theory, but a lot of the required extra information comes from one's self, through reading and experience.

For myself, I am never able to experience this type of things as I'm just a kid who lives in a small town called Ipoh. The number of quality advertisements are just so limited that nothing can be learned by observing and experiencing, unlike people in bigger cities such as Kuala Lumpur. Honestly, I was actually doubting myself, being in a very low morale. I mean, I don't even take the LRT more than 10 times in my LIFE. If I were to be asked to create a ad in mass transit, how am I capable of doing so? I am someone who NEVER looks at brands, how am I supposed to trust in the power of brand? Honestly, it's quite impossible.

That is why I believe that I need to change. Not for the sake of changing, but for myself. For my future, and for my future competency. Since I can never experience things first hand for the next 2-3 years. What I need to do is to read and spend time creating new things instead. Thus my current lifestyle. I do not sleep late; as I tend to get worn out after class. Studying means nothing to me at that time, I rather spend time lying on my bed and read articles of the industry nowadays.

In campus, rather than wasting time chatting and walking around. I turn on my iPod and surf the net. Through social media such as Twitter, I'm linked with many articles and information that may help me in the future. Yes, I may have neglected my studies academically and also slack a lot more on my assignments. But to me, those are just grades. No doubt, it must be done in the best ways possible. But I believe that thing learnt from textbooks isn't what's important in the future. I believe in the knowledge of current trends and ways things ought to be done.

One thing I'm simply lacking of now is the chance to actually do things practically.
Doing things I've been doing when I was form 1 until form 5 which ceased since I've entered UTAR

I just hope things would go on smoothly--
Posted on 7:09 AM by Jeffery Chan and filed under | 0 Comments »