In reality...

In fantasy, things come to those who wishes and believes in it
In reality, things comes only to those who work their ass off and are blessed by God

In fantasy, as long as you've put in effort, you'll receive the growth
In reality, even if you've put in effort, disappointment is what takes place after that

In fantasy, when you let things flow/happen, it'll happen and you'll live happily ever after
In reality, When you let things flow/happen, nothing will ever happen

In fantasy, when you achieved what you want, it stays there for a long time
In reality, when you finally achieve something, it may be robbed off you the next moment

In fantasy, you just have to ask; and it is given to you
In reality, asking gives nothing. You have to fight for it if you want it

In fantasy, I would be happily pursuing my dreams and spending time with my loved ones
In reality, I am here wondering how to work things out, and sitting in the hall alone


Sometimes, I just wished I live in the fantasy world

The real world have too much limitations that I don't know how to go against

Then again, that's the reality

Jeffery Chan,

Live with it

-Signing off-
Posted on 2:22 AM by Jeffery Chan and filed under | 0 Comments »